Wednesday, January 12, 2011


HealthRHYTHMS TRAINING at PRINCETON, NJ, September 2010 was such a great time! Meeting the other Endorsed Facilitators in the area, and all the newly trained Facilitators. And getting to review all the latest research on health and the HealthRHYTHMS protocol plus sharing the moving and inspiring stories of change and transformation that take place in the circles of giving and receiving. And then drumming and chanting with you all!
Here in the pic with Christine Stevens, who introduced me to HealthRHYTHMS when I was living in California, and who is a talented pioneer in developing this healing protocol and promoting healing and peace through rhythm and empathy.

Pic 1 Suzanne Tribe (left) and Christine Stevens (right) - drumming changes your mood!
Pic 2 Melinda, Julie, Maury, Suzanne and Moe sharing the beat on the big gathering drum
Pic 3 A great soprano singer (left), Christine Stevens, Lydia Smith, Suzanne Tribe and Maury harmonizing and rhythmatizing in song