Monday, April 18, 2011

Cymatics Presentation at Pymander Bookstore - CT

Jeff Volk's presentation on "CYMATICS  and RESONANCE" at Pymander Bookstore in Norwalk, CT on Saturday April 16, was a wonderful opportunity to go deeper into the understanding and experience of Cymatics, the study of sound and how it affects matter and how it creates cohesive organized patterns. Jeff's wonderful presentation included scientific explanations, stunning visual images, film clips, stories about the life of Hans Jenny, precursors in this field; music and recitations of his own poems. He wove it all together with some thought provoking insights on the nature of change and coherence as it relates to the process of life around us and within us. It was a deep, thorough presentation, the room was packed and great energy from participants!
At the end of Jeff's presentation, he invited me to demonstrate using my home made tonoscope. In the pic you can see as I (Suzanne Tribe) sing and tone into a tube that is connected to a hub with a membrane sprinkled with salt, which is being vibrated by the sound of my voice and adopts different patterns and geometric shapes. You can also see a view of Pymander Bookstore, which is lovely and has a ton of cool books and items for healing and well-being. You can also see Kristen, the owner, with a client in the background.
We then opened up the exploration to all present and they experienced and watched how their voices created patterns, including striking geometric shapes right in front of their eyes! In this pic you can see Jeff Volk (left), Jennifer Baron, my daughter, who helped with the tonoscope demo; Stephen, who attended the presentation and is experimenting with the pitch of C, and myself in supporting role!
This is a pic of one of the geometric shapes that was created as Jennifer Baron sang beautiful high pitched notes and part of a Mozart aria into the tonoscope.
All pictures by Charles Tribe
A special thanks to my "team" Jennifer Baron, vocals, and Charles Tribe, photographs, and both helped transport, set up the tonoscope and do the demo! You are the best!!!